17 September 2008

All About English Club From Last Post

Today : English Club is a unsold extra.. Damn,, today i feel so angry, so hurt because of all, why just 15 people came to our extra??  i cant believe that. We just only play games : Vocab game, and Find Your Partner game, Slang and Idioms, Give em all Article task, that all.. 

For Article : Bimar, Indra, Ismail : World Teacher's Day

Indah & Selviani : World Spelling Word

Faruq & Sukma : Internet

Last Friday : Breakfasting Together with """KIR""" til our money decreased and our cash money juast only 355 thousand. What the!!

O y, Before we breakfasting, we play snake and ladder for grammar

Last Thursday : I embarassed when i see that in KIREC meeting, KIR member is so much but EC just 7 people (Pure)..

Last Wednesday : I feel so happy because there are so many members came to our meeting. Maybe next time i'll post what was we do in last wednesday

All About English Club From Last Post

20 August 2008

Only Games And Tenses

Hi all. How are u today? I'm so dissapointed because in this afternoon, the first grade Ec member is only 1/10 From registered member. Honesty, i'm really sad in this situation. How can be 106 decreased to 20 ? Is a big Question. Is English Club bored you ?? So in this afternoon, we just have a scrabble words into sentences and tenses. I'm really dissapointed and i'm really sorry.

16 August 2008

New Logo, New Face

Alhamdulillah, new logo has been finished by Resya Nurul Pasha (Make it in Computer n' Design) n' Tiera Ferra Rianti (Designer). Thanks So Much To U 2. Without You, I Can't do that. For Somebody who wants to see the logo :And New Proposal Cover :

14 August 2008

The Controversal Logo

Attention, please.

I heard that many teacher complain with our EC logo.And i do complain too. Why Indonesian flag is below of English flag? So, i need a new one. Any one wanna help me to make that logo, please? A Brand new logo. I need it.

12 August 2008

Works Program have Finished

Alhamdulillah works program have been finished euy. But, i cant place it in this blog, anyone knows the steps to place word data at blog ? I'm too lazy to search the step by alone. :p

O yeah, nearly forgotten, start on this Wednesday, English Club Routine activities is not at Saturday, but at Wednesday.

Btw, thx for all who have helped me to finished the works program. Arigatou (Japanese), Syukran (Arabic), Danke (Germany), Thanks, Terima Kasih (Indonesian), Merci (French), Xie Xie (Chinese), Hatur Nuhun (Sundanese). :P (Pamer bahasa. O yeah, anyone knows in english what is pamer bahasa? hhe.)

10 August 2008

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hi all. How are u? In this time i want to publish english club organization structure, but i'll write it in indonesian.

Pembina : Ibu Dra. Sri Kusmianti

Ketua Umum : Adrian Sebastian Suhendro
Ketua I : Nayyla Avisha
Ketua II : Muhammad Arifda Hadni Daniar
Sekertaris Umum : Mohammad Yasin AS
Sekertaris I : Siti Nurul Falah
Bendahara Umum : Lia Hikmatul Maula
Bendahara I : Permas Adinda Chintawidy
Koordinator Seksi I : Raidah Azziyati Fauziah
Koordinator Seksi II : Muhammad Irvan Yusup
Koordinator Seksi Danus : Sinta Dwi Oktaviani
Seksi Dana Dan Usaha : Fita Noer Puspita & Mutiara Siti Fatimah
Koordinator Seksi Humas : Griya Lalita Firdausy
Seksi Humas : Ira Permatasari, Nurfitriyani, Widi Saeful Iman, Egie Hekmatyar Rahman
Koordinator Seksi Pelaksana : Bhisma Mahendra
Seksi Pelaksana : Muhammad Fandi Ramdhani, Yudithia Darma Siregar
Koordinator Seksi Peralatan : Mutiara Puji Purwandari
Seksi Peralatan : Muhammad Fahmi Dzikri, Indah Kusuma Dewi
Koordinator Seksi Dokumentasi : Mutiara Nur Fitria Lestari
Seksi Dokumentasi : Refa Anandwika Budiman, Lestari Kusuma Pratiwi
Koordinator Seksi Dekorasi : Resya Nurul Pasya
Seksi Dekorasi : Derry Aditya, Tiera Ferra Rianti

That's all about Organization Structure. Thanks.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.